Monday, November 16, 2009

Week of November 9th

Last week we introduced our new theme: Fall. The students were able to participate in experiences that made them more aware of the changes that take place in the fall. They began learning about fall holidays , clothing , and accessories. Students learned about the life cycle of an apple tree and were able to compare it to the life cycle of a pumpkin. We were able to go outside and collect different types of leaves to create a "leaf man". Students will also be using the leaves throughout the season in our art center to create their own masterpieces.

What we learned:

Language Arts: Students learned to identify the sound/letter "Tt" in words.

Social Studies: Students were able to participate in our Veteran's Day celebration and learned to value and celebrate the work and sacrifice of our veterans.

Math: Students learned to recognize, reproduce, and extend ABC patterns.

Science: Students learned to recognize changes in our environment due to changes in the season.

Don't forget to send your donations for our 2nd Annual Food Drive!

La semana pasada fue el tiempo perfecto para introducer nuestro nuevo tema de -El Otono. Los ninos vivieron experencias que les ayudo conocer mas los cambios que se llevan acabo en esta epoca del ano. Salimos afuera para colectar hojas que se usaron para hacer un hombre de hojas. Siguiremos usando las hojas en nuestro centro de arte durante esta estaccion del ano.Tambien aprendimos de las festividades, ropa, y actividades que se hacen en Otono. Los estudiantes aprendieron la diferencia en el ciclo de vida de un arbol de manzana comparado con el ciclo de vida de una calabaza.

Lo que Aprendimos!

Lenguage: Los estudiantes aprendieron la letra y el sonido de la letra "Tt" en palabras.

Sociales: Los ninos tuvieron la opprtunidad de participar en nuestra celebraccion de el dia de los veteranos. Aprendieron a valorar y celebrar el trabajo y sacrificio de los veteranos.

Matematicas: Los ninos aprendieron reconocer, reproducer, y extender patrones ABC.

Ciencas: Los ninos aprendieron a reconocer los cambios de Otono en nuestro ambiente.

Recuerde de mandar su colaboraccion para la recoleccion de comida!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

50th Day of School!

On Tuesday, November 3rd we celebrated our 50th day of school. It's hard to believe we have been in school for 50 days! In honor of this special day the staff and students were given the opportunity to dress in the style of the 1950's. It was fun to everyone dressed in their "nifty fifties" attire.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Week November 2nd

Good news! My class won the poster contest "I won't do drugs"!
Our theme was "I won't do drugs because I have big dreams!" All students draw pictures of what they want to be, and we make up some pictures of those professions with their faces. It turned to be a very cute poster.

Buena nueva! Mi clase gano la competencia de pancartas "Yo no consumiré drogas". Nuestro tema fue: "Yo no consumiré drogas porque tengo grandes sueños". Todos los niños dibujaron lo que quieren ser cuando crezcan, y nosotros colocamos fotografías de esas profesiones con sus caritas. Terminó siendo un proyecto muy bonito.

We are learning!
Language Art: Introduce letter “Ll”. Help your child to identify words that start with “l”. You could visit this website to practice:
Social Studies: “The legend of Johnny Apple Seed” will be our social study theme.
Math: Pattern A-B. S will learn to predict and extend pattern A-B, such as: red-blue-red-blue-red-blue-red-blue-red-blue… Visit this site to practice this skill:
Science: “Life cycle of apples”. This week we will be learning about the life cycle of apples and we will compare it with the one for pumpkins.

¡Estamos aprendiendo!
Lenguaje: Introducción de la letra “Ll”. Practique con sus tarjetas de memoria. Ayude a su niño a recordar el nombre y sonido de las letras a medida que usted se la muestra.
Estudios Sociales: “La leyenda de Johnny Apple seed”.
Matemáticas: Patrones A-B. Los niños aprenderán a predecir y a crear patrones tipo A-B, tales como: rojo, azul, rojo, azul, rojo, azul… Puede visitar las siguiente pagina web para practicar con su hijo:
Ciencias: “Ciclo de vida del arbol de Manzana”. Esta semana estaremos aprendiendo acerca del ciclo de vida de las manzanas y lo compararemos con el de las calabazas.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Week October 19 /Semana del 19 de Octubre

We are learning!
Language Art: Letter Pp. Add a card with letter Pp to your set of letter cards. Encourage your child to remember the names and sounds of each letter as you show them. Have a “P hunt” in magazines, books or newspaper.
Social Studies: “Transportation” will be our social study unit. Students will discuss the important of different means of transportation and how do they help people.
Math: Sorting and classifying. One more time sorting and classifying will be our math objective but this time we will are classifying according to color, shape, size, and others. Remember you could ask your child to help to organize his toys, sorting them by small or big, by their purpose or others. Also they could help sorting socks, or the laundry, etc.
Science: “Spiders”. This week we will be learning about spider and we will compare them with insects. Spiders form part of the group Arachnids. They have 8 legs, two body parts, and do not fly. Insects have 6 legs, three body parts and most of them fly.


¡Estamos aprendiendo!
Lenguaje: Letra Pp. Agregue a su set de cartas de las vocales y m, la tetra p. Ayude a su niño a recordar el nombre y sonido de las letras a medida que usted se la muestra. Esta semana estaremos leyendo el librito “El Salón”. (No lo pierda)
Estudios Sociales: “Medios de transporte”. Estaremos discutiendo acerca de la importancia de los diferentes medios de transporte (Autobuses, trenes, carros, aviones, barcos, motocicletas, etc.)
Matemáticas: Sortear y clasificar. Una vez más estaremos sorteando y clasificando pero esta vez no solo por color sino por forma y otros atributos. Recuerde que usted puede practicar con su hijo en casa esta habilidad organizando los juguetes, clasificándolos por color, tamaño o tema. También los niños pueden ayudar a clasificar la ropa después de lavarse de acuerdo a quien pertenece, o emparejar las medias, etc.
Ciencias: “Arañas”. Esta semana estaremos aprendiendo acerca de las arañas y las compararemos con los insectos. Las arañas forman parte del grupo arácnidas. Ellas tienen ocho patas, dos partes del cuerpo, y no vuelan. Los insectos tienen 6 patas, tres partes del cuerpo y la mayoría de ellos pueden volar.

Website of the week:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Week October 13

We are learning!
Language Art: Letter Mm. Make a set of cards with letters m/a/e/i/o/u. Encourage your child to remember the names and sounds of each letter as you show them. Make “m” hunt in the neighborhood, and when you go to the store or market.
Math: Shapes. This week we will study the rhombus and oval. Help your child in find this shapes at home or in magazines. Draw pictures of the shapes (circle, square, triangle, and rectangle) and help your child to remember the name of each shape. Ask him to describe, and compare the shapes. How many sides does it have? How many corners? Tell something that look like this shape… etc.
Science: “Pumpkin: cycle of life”. We have been taking care of pumpkin plants since 2 weeks ago. Know we are able to observe and record its growing process. You could enhance this experience at home by planting seeds and having your child take care of them.
Social Studies: Community Helpers. Through this unit students will become more aware of the role of community helpers such as firefighters, policeman, doctors, mailman, and teachers. If a member of your family or friend has one of these important professions have them talk to your child about his/her duties, and what they needed to do to become a professional.

Estamos aprendiendo!
Lenguaje: Letra Mm. Haga un set de cartitas con las letras a,e,i,o,u,m. Ayude a su niño a recordar el nombre y sonido de las letras a medida que usted se la muestra.
Estudios Sociales: “Trabajadores de la comunidad”. A través de esta unidad los estudiantes se harán mas consiente del rol de trabajadores en nuestra comunidad que estas siempre dispuestos a ayudar. Estos son los bomberos, policías, mensajeros, doctores y maestros. Si alguno de sus familiares o amigos tiene esta profesión, invítelos a hablar con su hijos de sus obligaciones y como lograron hacerse profesionales.
Matemáticas: Formas. Esta semana estudiaremos el rombo (diamante) y el ovalo. Ayude a su hijo a identificar estas formas en la casa, o en revistas. Dibuje las formas (circulo, cuadrado, triangulo, rectángulo) y ayude a su hijo a recordar el nombre de las formas.
Ciencias: “Ciclo de vida de la Calabaza”. Hace dos semanas plantamos semillas de calabaza. Ahora podemos observar y documentar su crecimiento. En casa usted puede ayudar a desarrollar la conciencia en su hijo de que las plantas son seres vivos cuando siembra semillas y le pide a su hijo que las riegue y las ponga bajo el sol.

Website of the week: literacycenter

Monday, October 5, 2009

Week of Octuber 5th

We are learning this week!
1) Language art: Identification of vowels at the beginning of known words.
2) Social Studies: Places we need in our community.
3) Math: Identifying shapes and building new things with them.
4) Science: Review of 5 senses. How they help us understand and deal with our environment.

If you want your child to have additional practice with phonic you could have them visit starfall reading.

Welcome to Pre-Kindergarten Blog

Hello! I’m so glad that I will be able to share information and news through this blog. I hope it becomes useful and interesting.