Monday, November 16, 2009

Week of November 9th

Last week we introduced our new theme: Fall. The students were able to participate in experiences that made them more aware of the changes that take place in the fall. They began learning about fall holidays , clothing , and accessories. Students learned about the life cycle of an apple tree and were able to compare it to the life cycle of a pumpkin. We were able to go outside and collect different types of leaves to create a "leaf man". Students will also be using the leaves throughout the season in our art center to create their own masterpieces.

What we learned:

Language Arts: Students learned to identify the sound/letter "Tt" in words.

Social Studies: Students were able to participate in our Veteran's Day celebration and learned to value and celebrate the work and sacrifice of our veterans.

Math: Students learned to recognize, reproduce, and extend ABC patterns.

Science: Students learned to recognize changes in our environment due to changes in the season.

Don't forget to send your donations for our 2nd Annual Food Drive!

La semana pasada fue el tiempo perfecto para introducer nuestro nuevo tema de -El Otono. Los ninos vivieron experencias que les ayudo conocer mas los cambios que se llevan acabo en esta epoca del ano. Salimos afuera para colectar hojas que se usaron para hacer un hombre de hojas. Siguiremos usando las hojas en nuestro centro de arte durante esta estaccion del ano.Tambien aprendimos de las festividades, ropa, y actividades que se hacen en Otono. Los estudiantes aprendieron la diferencia en el ciclo de vida de un arbol de manzana comparado con el ciclo de vida de una calabaza.

Lo que Aprendimos!

Lenguage: Los estudiantes aprendieron la letra y el sonido de la letra "Tt" en palabras.

Sociales: Los ninos tuvieron la opprtunidad de participar en nuestra celebraccion de el dia de los veteranos. Aprendieron a valorar y celebrar el trabajo y sacrificio de los veteranos.

Matematicas: Los ninos aprendieron reconocer, reproducer, y extender patrones ABC.

Ciencas: Los ninos aprendieron a reconocer los cambios de Otono en nuestro ambiente.

Recuerde de mandar su colaboraccion para la recoleccion de comida!

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